Saturday, May 28, 2011

Miscrit Collector Quests 34-36

Here are the next set of quests from the Miscrit Collector. This information will be added to the full Miscrit Collector guide found here:

34. Collect 1 Equestrion, 1 Breezycheeks, 1 Aria, and 1 Owlie. Rewards 4 TP.

Equestion is found at the entrance to Mount Gemma, and on the western side of the Gemma Flats. Breezycheeks is on the eastern and middle portion of the flats. Aria is found in the second section of Mount Gemma, past the Eternal Falls. They are common throughout the area. Owlie is located in the third section of Mount Gemma, on and around the mountain's peak. Again, they seem to be very common.

35. Collect 1 Eggy. Rewards 1000 XP.

Eggy is a rare Miscrit, and only available on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. It can be found around the The Shack, in the final section of Mount Gemma, past the third trainer.

36. Collect 1 Aria and 1 Treemur. Rewards 2 TP.

As mentioned above, Aria is easily found in the second section of Mount Gemma, past the Eternal Falls. Treemur is a rare Miscrit located in the Miscrian Forest. It is only found on Mondays and Thursdays in the dead trees throughout the forest.

I will continue to post updates on the Miscrit Collector quests and other helpful Miscrits: World of Adventure information. Please check back often for more updates, and subscribe to the blog if you like it!

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