The Wind Elementum is found on the Dead Island of Sunfall Shores. Defeating it completes the Breath of Life feat, awarding 15 TP. The newest Elementum is much more powerful than its older counter parts. The weaknesses of the old Elementums have been removed. The Wind Elementum is a real challenge, but nothing we can't handle with a good strategy.
First, you should know a few things about the Elementum. It is immune to Poison, Confuse, and accuracy debuffs, so don't bother trying. Do not debuff any of its stats below 33 or it will buff all of its stats +100. It likes to use Confuse pretty often, so there is some luck involved in the battle. A few well-timed Confuses can destroy any strategy. The upside is that the Wind Elementum tends to miss pretty often, because Confuse only has 50% accuracy. It's most powerful attack, Relentless, misses a good bit as well. Relentless can hit a bunch of times and easily one-shot any Miscrit. This makes buffing your defenses pretty pointless. The Elementum will always poison your Miscrits for 99 turns, but it only does about 6 damage each round. Try to use Miscrits with high Physical attack if you have them at level 30. Elemental Defense is more important than Physical, because the Elementum's Physical attack is pretty much always going to kill you if it hits. And of course, don't bring any Earth Miscrits to this battle.
So, now that we know all of that what do we do? The strategy is fairly simple. Bring only level 30 Miscrits. You need at least one, preferably two, that can debuff -11 to both defenses. You also want Miscrits with strong attacks, because we need to pound this guy fast. Physical attacks do more damage, so bring any strong Physical Miscrits you have (that aren't Earth). Try to bring Miscrits with good Elemental Defense if possible. Also, if you have any level 30 Miscrits with Sleep or Deep Sleep bring them. Start by debuffing the Elementums defenses to -33. Again, do NOT go below that or you will invoke its wrath (+100 to all stats). Next, use Sleep or Deep Sleep if you have it. If you hit it with Sleep, use one Mythical attack buff potion for whichever attack your current Miscrit uses. If you use Deep Sleep buff yourself with two potions instead of one. Next, just start pounding on it with your strongest attack. The Sleep strategy can be repeated with more than one Miscrit, but you do risk missing. If you don't have Sleep, or you don't want to use it, just keep hitting it with your strongest attacks. If it buffs itself with Unbreakable lower its defenses back to -33. When your Miscrit is one normal attack away from death, use a Mythical Heal. Relentless will kill you if it hits a few times, but Whirlwind should do less damage than your heals. The Elementum can be defeated without heals, but using them reduces the risk and increases your chance to win. Mythical Heals are particularly helpful with your last Miscrit if you're close to winning but you know you'll fall a little short.
As I mentioned earlier, Confuse is the biggest weakness of any strategy. If you get hit by Confuse too often or at the wrong times, you will lose. Just dust yourself off and try again. Unless you have terribly bad luck it shouldn't take more than a few tries.
If your Miscrits just can't seem to handle this fight, you can use Lightning Magic to give yourself a boost. Just make sure you use it with a Miscrit with really high Elemental Attack. Be careful though, you don't want to waste it.
Lastly, I will leave you with a great quote about strategy from the book Ender's Game:
If you haven't read Ender's Game, I would highly recommend picking up a copy! It's one of my favorite books, and a really great read.
i dont have any miscrit that can debuff
ReplyDeleteAfterburn should be able to. He has debilitate and he is your first miscrit
DeleteOkay, you can probably still take it with a strong offense (and some luck). Just pound on it as hard as you can, and heal when your Miscrit is about to die, as long as your taking less damage from Whirlwind than your healing for. The fight really involves a lot of luck, because if you get hit with Confuse and Relentless too often nothing you do will matter anyway.
ReplyDeleteWhat level 30 Miscrits do you have?
i have ignios.luna.frostmite.digsy(lv 30)
ReplyDeleteThat'll be a tough team to win with. Make sure you negate element on Digsy (of course). If your Ignios is good it may be your best tool. I would save it for last. Don't lose heart though, you could still win with good luck. I almost soloed it with a Blazebit and some heal potions (got it down to about 30 Health).
ReplyDeleteNice. I once almost soloed the Magicite Overlord at Sunfall Shores with Derelicro. I just used pollen and intimidation a lot.
Deleteu use blazebit to kill?DAMN! i release my blazebit.btw.can i make my team arigato.ignios.abomino.DIGSY?(I GOING RELEASE MY LUNA FOR ARIGATO)
ReplyDeletehow do you solo with Blazebit?
ReplyDeleteI have fossillia lvl 25,mun kee lvl 30, flutterpat lvl 23, and blazebit lvl 26
ReplyDeletewhere to find flutterpat?
ReplyDeleteflutterpat is rare so u may get him in packs in collectors mansion or in mt gemma
DeleteI wouldn't recommend Arigato. If you really want a Lightning Miscrit, go with Thundercracker. Really though, Lightning Miscrits as a group are the worst in the game rihgt now. You could consider a Nature or Wind Miscrit. A few good choices would be Grubbean, DFP, Mun Kee, Leggy, or Poltergust.
ReplyDeleteI didn't fully solo it with Blazebit, but I took off over 300 Health. It was my last Miscrit in the fight, and I just kept healing with Epic and Mythical heals when my Health got low. And I was just attacking with Thump for damage. My Blazebit has 83 PA though, so it hits pretty hard.
Mun Kee is probably the best Miscrit to fight the Elementum with. You can use Deep Sleep and buff yourself with potions. You can also buff your accuracy to help Deep Sleep hit more often. Of course, the Elementum may still hit you with Confuse or Relentless and you can't do much about it.
I don't know all of the locations for Flutterpat yet, but I've heard it can be found on the Dead Island on some days. I'll make a post about it when I get some more concrete information.
now with relics you can purchase a relic with a confuse immunity
Deletehow can i defeat him if i dont have any lowering defence spells on any of my miscrits ?
ReplyDeletei dont have sleep spells either
ReplyDeleteThe best thing to do is just pound it as hard as you can. Use Mythical and Epic Heals to try to keep your Miscrits alive. You could try buffing your strongest attackers with offensive potions, but that gives the Elementum more time to Confuse you or hit you with Relentless.
ReplyDeleteThe fight is really luck based, so you could win with just attacks and healing potions if the Elementum misses at the right times. Or if it uses Whirlwind enough, since it's easy to heal for more than the damage it does. team will be digsy,ignios.thundercracker.frostmite
ReplyDeleteThundercracker is definitely an improvement over Luna. You should have a lot more offensive fire power to throw at the Elementum now.
ReplyDeletethanks for this chris i pwned the wind elemuetum
ReplyDeletethanks alot u got me 15 training points
You're welcome! Congrats on the win! :D
ReplyDeleteHAHA LOL
Nice, you must have had good luck with Confuse and Relentless. :)
ReplyDeleteI almost owned the Wind Elementum with one level 30 Drilldent and a few pots. After using Sandstorm, I kept on putting the WE to sleep while buffing with Hyper Power until I did about 60 damage per Screwdriver. The only reason I didn't beat it: that Drilldent was my last guy =.=
ReplyDeleteNice! Hopefully you'll take it down next time. :)
ReplyDeletecan i defeat it with thundercracker eggy ignios and dark prawnja lvl 30
ReplyDeleteYes, you could beat it. Remember that there is a lot of luck involved with the fight. Just try to follow the tips above.
ReplyDeleteI have DFP, Drilldent, TC, and Mun Kee(lvl30). What is a good strat to defeat it?
ReplyDeletePretty much just follow the strategy and tips above. Mun Kee is one of the best Miscrits to use against it thanks to Deep Sleep.
ReplyDeletei can't even go to the second part of sunfall shores as i can't kill that guy on the beach :'(
tell me what miscrits i must use to deafeat him
can i win with thundercracker eggy ignios and dark shellgun lvl 30
ReplyDeleteOne of the best Miscrits to use is Mun Kee (as mentioned above). Other than that, like it says in the post, you just want Miscrits with debuffs and Physical attacks if possible.
ReplyDeleteYes, someone asked about the same team above. You should be able to beat it with those Miscrits. You have a lot of Physical attackers, so that should help.
I have Afterburn, Derelicro, Tuzee, Abomino, Bloomane, Kang Fu, Anublaze, and Subterhuge. They are all about level 30 and I also have a dark shellgun, rubarb, amari, and munk lee that are being trained. Which miscrits do you suggest I use?
ReplyDeletedo you think i can use mumbah to defeat the wind elementum??
(using negate element potion)
Yeah, you can use Earth Element Miscrits against it as long as you negate element. The only real disadvantage is that you lose one turn with the negate, and against the Wind Elementum every turn counts. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat order should they be in?
ReplyDeleteDo you think DFP, TC, Drilldent and Leggy can beat it?
ReplyDeletei used the strategies and i still cant win it
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain, lol. We almost have the same team :)
ReplyDeleteAlan: I would probably use them in the order you have them listed.
ReplyDeleteAnon1: Yes.
Anon2: Just keep trying, a lot of the fight is luck-based.
do u think i can win with squalrus, afterburn, bloomane and wiquil???
ReplyDeletenvm i win aldy woohoo so lucky with the last confuse managed to use needle rifle and kill the wind elementum!!! :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats! :)
ReplyDeletehi chris! I really can't beat the wind elementum, I keep trying but in vain, I have a squalrus, a bloomane, a demolasher, a hanuphoon and an afterburn, should I realease my bloomane and squalrus to train a thundercraker or ignios??
ReplyDeleteand I also don;t have any mythical potion and very few healing potions, what should I do??
ReplyDeleteNah, you are fine, physical attacks work best against wind elementum, you have demolasher (remember to use sandstorm), bloomane, and afterburn, that should help. Try using your Flue to debilitate WE 3 times, then lash at it with mighty bash.
ReplyDeleteIt is possible to defeat the wind elementum without potions, as mentioned by Chris, this is a battle of luck. You just need to make sure Confuse and Relentless miss often, that would give you a big boost.
And I think I'm pretty proud of myself for hitting the Earth elementum to half health with a team of Infernus, Serpasoar, Clawmurai and Demolasher without potions. Still trying to get a better level 30, but low on TP as always. Are there any tips for that above mentioned team, other than switching out miscrits since I have only those level 30s?
hi, you can't beat the WE or the Earth E?? The earth elementum is very easy to beat, you should use debilitate with your infernus about 4 to 5 times or even less, then attack him with any attack, it's HP should be completely reduced to 0, but if you can't beat the WE, I think it's just a matter of luck!( But i'm not lucky at all against him! lol)And you should also try to win the 25 tp in the battle arena to train other miscrits, also leveling up is the only solution to gain Tp's!! ( I think it's the main problem in the game!!)
ReplyDeleteAnon: You could release those guys, but I wouldn't recommend Ignios for this fight (it's a great Miscrit though). You should be able to win with the Miscrits you have, but you may need to acquire some more potions. The easiest way is to get lots of friends to send you item chests. Other than that, just spend some time in the wild getting money and potions. Just save up some potions an prep for the fight a little bit before you try it again. And I would recommend replacing the Bloombane and Squalrus with someone else you want. TC would be good for this fight, but make sure it's one you really want. I wouldn't suggest leveling a Miscrit just to deal with this guy. :)
ReplyDeleteLeggy Guy: As the above poster said, the Earth Elementum is pretty easy, so I'm wondering if that was a typo. For the Wind Elementum though: I'd lead with the Infernius and use Debilitate for its defenses, of course. The Serpasoar is pretty close to useless, just spam Dual Dragon and try to get as much damage as you can. The Demolasher should do the most damage. You may want to save it for last. The Flue could either go 3rd or last; you'll probably need it to redebuff the Elementum. I think you should be able to win with that team, but, as always, it just takes a little luck. :P
ReplyDeleteAnon: Good advice all around. :)
ReplyDeleteYikes... Yeah was a typo. I defeated the Earth elementum by "cheating", when the admins made a mistake turning accuracy into an addictive/ subtractive thing. Basically i spammed pollen till even his Gem strike and everything missed. Then used some mythical Toughens ( I hade 5 then) and spammed claw and acid rain with my Shellgun. was pretty easy, of course now you can't do that anymore so yeah, I "Cheated". :P
ReplyDeleteErm.. I don't exactly have a Flue, I was talking to Anon :P
Yeah, that.. My Screwdriver deals a whole lot of damage, that is nice, although I'd rather not use potions to defeat it. Planning to train a Medustung (Jellyshock) then fighting him again. At least I'll have a Lightning Physical attacker + Defense reducer + powerful physical attack. Plus I think Medustung is gonna help me in any possible future level 30 battles, although my miscrits aren't there yet :P At least till then I will just train my Arena miscrits before focusing on training miscrits for farming.
P.S I realise that you have not defeated wind elementum yet Chris :P
yo chris can i beat the wind elementum with statikat , eggy, drilldent, and arigota
ReplyDeletecan i beat him with Krakenhook,Ongabonga,Kalamos, and Afterburn? and how?
ReplyDeleteYou can beat the Elementum with pretty much any team if you get lucky. Just follow the tips and strategies above.
ReplyDeleteok i just trained some more miscrits to level 30 what team do you recomend i have to kill WE Krakenhook, Ongabonga, Kalamos, Afterburn, Dark Clawmurai, Dark Fairyblossom, and Primordius. and few more levels i will have Dark Afterburn
ReplyDeletePretty much all of those Miscrits would work, other than DFP. I would definitely take DF and Flue. Fossillia would also be pretty good, but you'll lose a turn using Sandstorm. DP would do good damage, and the other 3 all have the ability to debuff the Elementum's defenses.
ReplyDeletethanks i killed him today with DF, Flue, DP, and Krakenhook. oh and can you tell me what team do you think i should use in battles, and thanks again
ReplyDeletei have dark afterburn malladorn dark fairyblossem rocklodon can you tell me a easy trick to defeat wind elementum every time elementum uses unbreakable
ReplyDeletemoe: For an Arena team, I would suggest DF, DP, Fossillia, and Tulipinny. I would also suggest replacing the Tulipinny when you get a chance.
ReplyDeletenasir: The above tips are the only tricks I can really tell you to help defeat the Elementum.
ok i use DFP instead of Tlippinny
ReplyDeletekelpa or dark flower piller?my dark flower piller is lv 24.while my kelpa is lv 1?so which one better
ReplyDeletemoe: Silly me, I completely forgot you already had a DFP listed. Good call. :)
ReplyDeleteAnon: Kelpa can be better than DFP, but only if the stats turn out well.
Which four miscrits should I take to the fight with the WE? Well actually three because the Mun Kee is definitely in.
ReplyDeleteThere's Kelpa, Beelzebug, DFP, Leggy, Blazebit and Digsy to choose from. Help would be very much appreciated :P
Kelpa would be a good choice if it has decent PA. Possibly Blazebit, again particularly if it has good PA. Digsy could work if you don't mind losing a turn to use a negate element. Beezlebug would be a good choice to take. If you don't want to use Digsy because of the negate element, I would suggest Leggy over DFP for this fight.
ReplyDeleteOkay, thanks. My Blazebit's more elemental and so is my Kelpa, but Kelpa's more balanced. So I'll take Digsy, Mun Kee,Beelzebug and perhaps Kelpa. I'm thinking of training a Jellyshock...what do you think?
ReplyDeleteP.S: Is Snorkels good for tackling this guy? I forgot to list him last time
Snorkels isn't particularly effective, not much better than DFP really. Jellyshock is really good against the Wind Elementum, and a pretty solid Lightning Miscrit overall.
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ReplyDeletecan i win with a team of DF, MunKee, DFP, and Eggy (negate element) lvl 30? Do you recommend changing anything? tq. (fyi my eggy has MAX health)
ReplyDeleteYou should be able to win with that team. The DFP will be the least helpful most likely.
ReplyDeleteis dark flue , belzeebug, frostmite and tulipinny good against the WE???
ReplyDeleteDark Flue and Beelzebug, yes. Tulipinny I think is not so useful, and Frostmite too, because they're elemental miscrits.
ReplyDeleteI have Dark Flue,Kelpa,Snorkels and Mun kee. Can I beat the Wind Elementum?
ReplyDeleteHi everyone, can you help me defeat the Wind Elementum? My team is: Dark Flue, Flutterpat, Dark Flowerpillar and Digsy (all lvl 30).
ReplyDeletePlease help me any response is greatly appreciated.
well i beat mine with lvl 30 DF,Flue,DP,and Squibee, i was gonna use DP but Chris said not to and he was right, unless you dont mind losing a turn using Digsy to take wind advatage off i think Chris would say as he told me when i tried beating him you can use another one.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei cant defeat this elementum, i've got thundercracker, beelzebug, dark flue and mun kee. all lvl 30, + mythical items epic items and thunder magic. still can't defeat him. thus the admin change its status?
ReplyDeleteummm...I have a leggy,Drilldent,dark flowerpiller,dark flue,flue,blazebit(91 health 74 ea 46 ed 52pa 64pd 77 speed). All are lvl 30....which will I choose to defeat the Wind elementum and wht tactic will I use??
ReplyDeletecan i defeat WE,my misc are eruptacus,clawmurai,mirekin and the way should i switch jack out w/ somemiscrit stronger than it or its ok 2 stick to its confucius when it reach lv 30 because of the confuse?
ReplyDeletehey chris
ReplyDeletei defeated the wind elementum with kelpa dark flue kiloray and beelzebug
first used intimidation 2 times then debiliate 2 times and started using lightning barb with kiloray and stinger strike.
i didnt use any potions or was my luck
i defeated it in the first try!!!!!!
what do u say about this?????????????????????
can i defeat it i have the following-
my fb account-
Plz tel me if i can defeat it with this team-
ReplyDeletedark afterburn
dark flowerpiller
plzz tell me.thank you
Ive defeated wind elemntum, im thinin on using mun kee, thundercracker, digsy and ignious as my new team. will that be a good team?
ReplyDeletehey chris i hav the followin miscrits
i also hav 3 electrocutes
plz give me sum strategy
my eruptacus is th most powerful elemental attacker in my team with ea of 81
its impossible to beat the WE
ReplyDeleteim the previos anon and my team is squalrus afterburn serpasaur and infernus what do i do
ReplyDeletethe earth elementum was easy if anyone needs help on that i know an awesome strategie
ReplyDeletePratyarth.................u can keep ur thornaxis first,hanuphoon second,leviafin third,eruptacus fourth.........................decrease WE all defenses till -33 by using thornaxis,switch to hanuphoon and use deep sleep,switch to eruptacus and use either merlin's beard or myhical enchant till above 60,use electrocutes and defeat the WE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHEY I GOT WATERWIP 22,Eruptacus 30, Dark Shellgun 22, and Badaboon 22...
ReplyDeleteI ALSO GOT a Praesul 22...
what miscrits do i put in my team?????....
ive got flu 4th , thunder cracker 4th , kelpa 4th, monkey 4th , digsy 4th and dark prawnja 4th
ReplyDeletewhich all shoul is use ?
it is very hard to beat elementum
ReplyDeleteyou must have miscrits that -defense by 11
is this a great team to defeat the Earth E & WE snortue lvl 30 flameling lvl 30 weevern lvl 30 and fennie lvl 30
ReplyDeleteMy team is Acrozap(lv27)Leviafin,Hunaphoon,DF(lv30)
ReplyDeleteIve tried many times but i always die when its around 187 health.. any tips??
I beat the wind elementum with only a lvl 27 Rubion! The wind elementum confused me 2 or 3 times but i could manage it. Of course i used a lot of potions but i won!!
ReplyDeleteChris m y team is fennie Beelzebug Ignios flutterpat(all lvl 30) how do i defeat wind elementum?
ReplyDeleteCan u do it with lavel 26 miscrits??
ReplyDeletei have All three starters... Firebrawl, Bloombug and Shellgun.... I also have a Acrozap which may prove vital. ANY HELP ?
so hard to kill WE.I got tumblewhip lv 29,badaboon lv 29,jetsma lv29 and chimpanbreeze lv 29.
ReplyDeleteare they good????
can i use Primordius , Hanuphoon , Zzzap and Dark Clawmurai with 5 Mythical heal potions , 3 Mythical Enchant potions and 4 Mythical Toughen Potions ? answer it Chris
ReplyDeletechris i won against the wind elementum by using 2 dark afterburns 1 digsy 1 fossilia !! so earth miscrits are optional
ReplyDeletehello chris answer me
ReplyDeletedo we really need all 4 level 30 miscrits?
ReplyDeleteI beat him only w/ my Gazaeral, Medustung, Cloberilla, and Antennious...I only bring 5 mythical heals
ReplyDeletehey do u think i can defeat the wind ele with ignios 30 digsy 30 da 30 and dfp 30
ReplyDeletehey chris! Suggest me a team for WE
ReplyDeletei have :-
Demolasher (sandstorm)
Dark Afterburn
hey chris! Suggest me a team for WE
ReplyDeletei have :-
Demolasher (sandstorm)
Dark Afterburn
November 23, 2011 6:44 AM
Hey Chris pls answer me
ReplyDeletehey chris! Suggest me a team for WE
ReplyDeletei have :-
Demolasher (sandstorm)
Dark Afterburn
If I were you, these combinations would make a really good team against the annoying WE :))
ReplyDeleteThe WE is weaker against Phys attacks than EA attacks.
Hanuphoon (Deep Sleep)
Dark Afterburn
Dark Afterburn
Demolasher/Good PA and ED Derelicro/ Good PA and ED Eruptacus
Squalrus isn't that good against the WE because it has weak defenses and BAM!!! a few Whirlwinds can fix it as nice as a dead fly :DD and it is Elemetal oriented.
Afterburn is also a good miscrit against WE but I recommend Dark Afterburn as it is more damaging.
Demolasher is a good miscrit against the WE as its Hyper Power+Sleep combo makes it good against the WE. Also, Demolasher is beastly, no doubt about that :)))
Now Hanuphoon. You may ask me "since you mentioned Phys attacks do more damage why do you recommend Hanuphoon as a very good miscrit against the WE although it is an EA miscrit?" The answer lies in one of its skills "Deep Sleep" Deep Sleep is one of the most powerful skills against WE. Here is how to use it effectively:
1: Use Deep Sleep
2: Switch to DF and use Debilitate.
3:Switch to Hanuphoon again, Use Deep Sleep.
4: Switch to DF. Debilitate.
5: After 3 turns. Switch to Hanuphoon. Use Deep Sleep.
6:Then Switch to DF. Buff DF's Phys attack.
If WE wakes up, he won't attack you, he would use poison.
Or (if you don't mind it being a a little complicated.)
Do the top strategy, except don't buff DF's attack.
1: After Debilitate, switch to Demolasher
2: Use Hyper Power strategy+Sleep
Squash the WE like a dead fly!!!!
Cloberilla is also good because it has Mace Smash+Sludge. It is a Lightning type too, so it takes less damage per Whirlwind.
Though the above strategies are very effective, be wary of Confuse and Relentless. If you get hit often, your strategy can be wrecked and you will end up with a terrible and humiliating failure :((
Btw good luck for you battle against the WE!!
Suggest me a team for WE
ReplyDeletei have :-
Demolasher (sandstorm)
Dark Afterburn
plss ans quick
ReplyDeleteNew Miscrits eh??? Okay I'll go for it.
ReplyDeleteA Violimp with good defenses can replace TC. I would definitely take Dark Afterburn (Debilitate and PA) and Hanuphoon(Deep Sleep). The last miscrit is more debatable. You can choose from
1: Good PA and ED Eruptacus
2: Good PA and ED Derelicro
3: Cloberilla
or if you like the Hyper Power+Sleep combo, you can take Demolasher
ReplyDeleteSo these would be good sample teams:
Violimp, Demolasher, Hanuphoon, Dark Afterburn
Violimp, Cloberilla, Hanuphoon, Dark Afterburn
Cloberilla, Eruptacus, Hanuphoon, Dark Afterburn
Derelicro, Violimp, Hanuphoon, Dark Afterburn
Lightning miscrits would take less damage from Whirlwind, that is why I recommend taking them :DDD
my demolasher doesnt have sleep
ReplyDeleteTHANKS NIKOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dark Afterburn
WIND ELEMENTUM WAS LEFT WITH 26 health and i got confused.
LUCKILY hanuphoon was able to use zen zphyer twice with one Relentless miss.
thnx to u
Congrats!!! :DDDD
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to help :DDDD
ReplyDeleteGuys, i have a question.. I have a team of DFP, Blazebit, Luna, and Flutterpat..
ReplyDeleteDo you think i can beat the wind elementum with this team? HELP!
That is a tough team to win with. If Blazebit has good PA he may be the only one useful. DFP, Luna and Flutterpat aren't really that good with this battle because they are Elemental miscrits. Luna is also terrible at lvl 30, because it learns a Health drain, not to mention he only gets a 20AP lightning attack, and so can't deal alot of damage. If you can, I would suggest replacing Luna with something solid for this fight, eg. Thundercracker
ReplyDeleteI wish Wind Elementum isn't immune to confuse and I'll like to see him do Relentless and Whirlwind on itself :))))
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot mate! Yeah i just found a thundercracker so imma level him up for now.
hey guys!...jellyshock and quirk is too useful!...I use them in my team to beat the wind elementum...My team is all level 30, they are Medustung, Subterhuge, Mineram, and Dark Afterburn...subterhuge and medustung have the same debuffing attack(Sludge) and buffing physical attack(Fury)...I use Mineram because he has a max physical attack when the physical defense of wind elementum is -33...When his defense in -33 then use the Fury of Medustung or Subterhuge so that you can do more damage against him but also bring much more Mythical heals because he will use whirlwind to you if he is going to die..thats all..thank you...
ReplyDeleteI beat Wind Elementum easy. I have all Lv 30's. I used 3 Hanuphoon and 1 Preliator. I kept on using Deep Sleep and increasing my accuracy so Deep Sleep will hit all the time. When 1 Hanuphoon died I had my others. Luckily, I did kill it with my last Miscrits, Preliator as all 3 Hanuphoons have died. If you do this I guess you can win pretty easily and maybe you can use it on any Elementum. Try it, it will help a lot.
ReplyDeletemy team :bloomane ,panthundra,glitterglint and dark afterburn...(all lvl.30)
ReplyDeleteCan i beat him?
ReplyDeleteI know this is the wrong forum, but could you please help me to decide who my fourth team member will be?
I have Blazebit, Kelpa, Munkee.. who would recommend as the 4th miscrit? I was thinking jellyshock or digsy?
Guys im the guy who commented above, pls help me out.
ReplyDeletetrain digsy its more better than jellyshock
ReplyDeletedigsy has a better stats
while jellyshock is
thats all amigo
by the way could you give me a tip to find blazebit
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot bro!
As for blazebit, there's only a 2% chance at the elder tree and around it. Check the two bushes on the left and right hand side. Its purely luck based, so you could find it on your 8th try, like me or it could take you 50 tries or more before you found it. Sorry bro, i wish there was a better chance but it's quite rare so you'll be making multiple trips to the elder tree.
you want a tip...just hope he will appear to you when you search him in the elder tree..
ReplyDeletemy team :bloomane ,panthundra,glitterglint and dark afterburn...(all lvl.30)
ReplyDeleteCan i beat him?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou can beat him with this team. The dark afterburn would be the most helpful.
ReplyDeletei defeated him..
ReplyDeletemy team was flue,hydroseal,cabsprout,thundercracker (all lvl 30).
you shud debuff him 6-7 times before he uses enrage....and den start attacking will b able to win...all the best...!
wait Anon, are you talking about Debaser? Debaser is the only debuff possible to use 6-7 times before he uses Enrage. If Feebler or Sludge/Debilitate was used that many times he would use Enrage, unless you were talking about the number of turns you used the debuff before and after he used Unbreakable. :D
ReplyDeleteby the way, congratulations on the win!!!! TC and Flue are some of the best miscrits to use against him right now.
team and strategy suggestion ask for strategy
ReplyDeleteMedustung, Panthundra, Excavior, and Dark Afterburn...This is my best team who defeat all the elementums in miscria...
ReplyDeleteI beat the wind elementum using my Afterburn, Kang Fu, Ongabonga, and Coraswine...add me on facebook...My name in Arjay Dumaog...level 36 on miscrits
ReplyDeletehey how should i defeat the WE ive got afterburn30, demolasher and hanuphoon(munkee)
ReplyDeletehow should i defeat wind elementum with Afterburn,Bloomane,Demolasher,Gazaereal
ReplyDeleteYou may want to lead with Hanuphoon first. First, put the Wind Elementum to Sleep. Then switch to afterburn and use debilitate. When WE is one turn away from waking up, switch to Hanuphoon and repeat this process until WE -33. Then switch to Demolasher and use Sandstorm. Put the WE to sleep and use Hyper Power and then attack him (or you can attack him with Afterburn, depending on what you like). Re-debilitate him with Afterburn when he buff himself. You should be able to defeat him :)))
Lead with Afterburn and debuff the Elementum. Then switch to Demolasher and put him to sleep while buffing with Hyper Power. Then pound him. The Gazaereal would be the least helpful most likely.
and another question , i have about 150tp which other fourth miscrit should i train?!
i have,
level name
10 frostmite
10 dark flue
10 elefauna
10 kiloray
1 ignious
1 aria
1 sparkspeck
1 craggy
1 mumbah
1 hippoke
1 orcatide
1 quebble
1 sparkitten
1 wavesling
1 echino
1 dark flowerpillar
1 arigato
1 digsy
1 owlie
1 tulippini
1 jellycharge
1 nessy
and some useless freaks :P
train dark flowerpiller/digsy/ignios
ReplyDeletehaha jellycharge :DDDDD
Oh I get it you have Afterburn, Demolasher and Mun Kee in your main lvl 30 team and you want to complete it O.O In that case I would go for a DFP since you already have Fire, Earth and Wind in your team.
ReplyDeletejeelyshock :PP
ReplyDeleteare you sure flowerpiller?!?
Yup since DFP is the best miscrit listed here. I would suggest leading with DFP to take a bite out of fast Water miscrits like Snorkels. It can also be used to utilize double turns :DDD I like having a DFP on all my teams
ReplyDeletei have dustelle,afterburn,rocklodon and bloomane
ReplyDeletepl tell how to defeat wind elementum i have lggy weevern digsy luna all 30 lv
ReplyDeleteTHANKS A LOT Nikol :D
ReplyDeleteHey Nikol give me strategy to defeat WE with Gazaereal,Demolasher,Afterburn,Bloomane
ReplyDeletelol you don't have to mention my name on your questions :))))
ReplyDeletePut them in this order Gazaereal-Afterburn-Bloomane-Demolasher
Gazaereal would be the least helpful. Just try to spam Aerial Strike before it dies. Afterburn comes out next. Debuff the Elementum -33. Next, Bloomane. Try to spam Ferocity with him. If he dies, switch to your Demolasher and put the WE to sleep while buffing with Hyper Power. Try to bash it as hard as you can. You'll probably need your Afterburn to redebuff the WE. The Afterburn should be the last to die
Good luck on your battle!!! :D
i don't have any attack to lower its defence and i also i don't have sleep so plz help me
ReplyDeleteThe best thing is to just pound it as hard as you can. In your case, heals are crucial to keep your miscrits alive. Does your Demolasher have Hyper Power? You can use Hyper Power to match Unbreakable. You may want to try buffing your strongest attacks with Hyper Power or a few pots. The Gazaereal is close to useless, just try to spam Aerial Strike. You have alot of Physical attackers, so you can buff their attacks to pound the WE hard. However, without Sleep or Deep Sleep, it gives the WE more time to hit you with Confuse or Relentless. You can still win with good luck though, just try to follow the above steps.
ReplyDeleteI also have Boltzee (lvl 30) should i use it instead of gazaereal???
ReplyDeletei also have another team of Violimp,Hanuphoon,Demolasher And Afterburn give me strategy for this team but i don't have hyper power
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ReplyDeleteYeah, Boltzee would be a good miscrit to fight the WE with.
ReplyDeleteDoes the Afterburn have Debilitate/Boltzee has Sludge? In that case, things would be a lot easier. Lead with Hanuphoon and use Deep Sleep. Then switch to Afterburn/Boltzee and use Debilitate/Sludge. Repeat this process until WE -33. Then just pound it as hard as you can using any miscrit. Hanuphoon and Afterburn/Boltzee is crucial to redebuff the WE. Boltzee takes less damage from Whirlwind, especially if you get good ED, so I would save it for last because WE tends to use Whirlwind more if he is going to die. You may want to use Hanuphoon's Deep Sleep to buff your miscrit's attacks though.
thanks dude for the strategy i'll try ur strategy nd battle him btw thanks man
ReplyDeleteheyy nikol give me strategy to defeat WE with Violimp,Afterburn,Minninnawah,rocklodon
ReplyDeletecan i defeat it with a violimp,demolasher,glidengale and kang fu?
ReplyDeleteLead with Afterburn and Use Debilitate. I recommend Rocklodon to be at 3rd place to debuff the elementum. Violimp is definitely best to fight him with if it has good ED. It has Sludge as well. I would save it for last. The Minninnewah is also helpful, it has good ED and PA, and I would put it in the second slot.
Now, After WE -33, just pound on it with Mighty Bash until your Afterburn dies. You may also try to buff your attacks as well to hit the WE with full damage. That is a pretty good team for the WE though. You have alot of Phys. attackers, so that should help.
Etham Goh
You can. The glidengale would be the least helpful, just try to spam Toxic Puff to get as much damage as you can.
BTW guys
I don't like people asking for strategies. The strategies I gave all of you is more or less based on Chris Hammond's WE strategy. The only difference is modifying it to suit your miscrits and for more information which accounts for only your teams listed. And it is getting very tiring to answer all of them.
I beat him w/ my Mallardon, Subterhuge, Dark Afterburn, and Panthundra...this is Sean Culiao, add me on fb...level 32 on miscrits...
ReplyDeleteive got a flue,prawnja,digsy and mun kee all lvl 30 will that work ???
ReplyDeletehelp me put this in order:abomino,dark afterburn,dark fairyblossom,clobberilla
ReplyDeletefirst of all!!! thnxx. for such a gud strategy..
ReplyDeletei tried many times to defeat him but i failed (about 10 times) but i followed a great quote ''keep trying"atlast!! i defeated him with preliator,dark afterburn,minninnewah,demolasher!!
(after the release of VI defeating wind elementum gives 7 platinum)
thnnxx again
i was soooooooooooooo lucky against the wind elemenetum my eggy had 3 health left when i killed was pretty hard 3:)
ReplyDeletei defeated it with dark 1.flowerpiller
2.dark flue
3. mun kee
4. eggy
but its confuse is 100% accuracy
ReplyDeletewhoom shloud i choose to defeat the we
ReplyDeletekang fu
munkee is very good with its deep sleep but you need someone with debiliate also
ReplyDeletethundercracker is okay okay and eggy is fail cause of its weakness
you could look for some other elements like fire (dark afterburn )
From rushial
ReplyDeletecan u pls suggest a stratergy for WE
and 15 beezlebug
Rate my Praesul.....
ReplyDeleteHealth 80
EA 65
ED 63
PA 37
PD 94
Speed 55
my preasul is on lvl 24......
ReplyDeletecan i defeat the wind elementum with dark afterburn,mun kee,thundercracker & afterburn
ReplyDeletehow can i defeat the fist magicite in sunfall shores i have the following miscrits in level 30. which miscrits should i take to defeat him.please tell me please???? i have snorkels,dark prawnja,puthundra,kiloray,drilldrent,squalrus,bloomane,fangly,afterburn,dark flowerpillar,darksparkkitten,sparkkitten,blazebit,kelpa. which team should i take to defeat the fisrt man in sunfall shores.
ReplyDeleteI defeated it with Dark afterburn, Serpasoar, Gazaereal and Afterburn without using any potions or magic.
ReplyDeletei have a blazebit, munkee, dark flowerpillar, 2 dark flues, prawnja, fangly all at lvl 30. can u tell me the strongest overall team i can make out of them?
ReplyDeletemy fangly [tuskalate] has the following stats=
health 146
speed 60
EA 83
PA 68
ED 62 and PD 55
I Just Beat The Win Elementum Righ Now With The Order Of: Demolasher, Dark Faryblossom, Dark Clawmurai, And Eruptacus
ReplyDeleteI have a dark flowerpiller, dark flue, munkee, and a thundercracker and of course all of 30 levels...what should i do?
ReplyDeletei have here is raldio, fossila, eggy and drilldent. would i make it? ;P
ReplyDeleteI've got a level 30 team
ReplyDeletedark cubsprout
dark thorix
light blazebit
and dark breezycheeks
but i still find it difficult one time he had 2 health left but hten relentless one shot kill on full health miscrit.
I have
ReplyDeleteTikki,Dark Squalrus,Willoak,Panterra,Nerton,Tuskerfly,Tuskalate, Demolasher and Afterburn,what do I use?
P.S:I already defeated all other 5 elementums
DeleteWill this work out ?
ReplyDeleteI have a level 30 Dark Salamindra , Fangly , Vamp Skustunk and a Thundercracker
very easy to beat wind elemetum
ReplyDeleteuse on nepton(saiyam) then any other 30 lvl miscrit you have
then use every heals and use trident tussle its final attack you can beat it easily
Can i Beat The Wind Elemuntum wid Light Blazebit, Dark Nessy, Dark Saggitarion and Weevern ( all level 30 ) ?
ReplyDeletecan i beat WE Growliath Meteoron Vesuvion and Beam?
ReplyDeletenevermind i beat it on 2nd try