The Miscrit collector gives you rewards of TP, experience, or rare Miscrits for bringing her specific Miscrits or sets of Miscrtis. The Miscrits must be at level 1, but you can have them in your inventory before you start the quest. You can complete a total of 3 quests per day, and the quests progress in order regardless of when you complete them. New quests become available every night at 12:00 AM Mountain Time (GMT -7). There are currently a total of 60 quests in the game. The Miscrit Collector will restart her quests once you finish the last one.
1. Collect 1 Cubsprout, 1 Hydroseal, and 1 Sparkupine. Rewards 3 TP.
This is an easy one, all of these Miscrits are found just inside the forest. I find that the Hydroseals are easiest to find at the southern edge of the water. The Cubsprouts and Sparkuspine are abundant in the trees, bushes, and rocks.
2. Collect 3 Cubsprouts. Rewards 30 XP.
Another easy one, get them just inside the forest.
3. Collect 5 Hydroseals. Rewards 3 TP.
Again, I would suggest searching for these among the reeds on the southern edge of the lake.
4. Collect 1 Sparkupine. Rewards 15 XP.
The easiest quest so far, just pop into the entrance of the forest and grab one.
5. Collect 2 Snortusses. Rewards 2 TP.
Now you must venture past the location of the first Miscrit trainer in the forest. I have the best luck finding Snortusses in the dead trees and leafy plants shortly after passing into the second section.
6. Collect 1 Quirk. Rewards 20 XP.
Quirks are also found in the second section of the forest. They tend to be the most common Miscrit in the area, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding one. If you do have any trouble, try narrowing your search to the bushes and flowers as you progress southeast along the road.
7. Collect 1 Snortus and 1 Flameling. Rewards 2 TP.
Find the Snortus in the same locations as before. The Flameling is also in the second section of the forest, and you shouldn't have any trouble finding one. I see them almost as often as Quirk. I've mostly found them scattered between the area where you find Dark Flue (as the southern most point of the road, before it turns due east) and the second trainer.
8. Collect 3 Lumeras. Rewards 50 XP.
The Lumeras are also found in the second section of the forest. I find that they are more common on the eastern side, just before the second trainer. I have also seen them in the area where Dark Flue is found, and at the very beginning of the third section of the forest.
9. Collect 1 Waddles. Rewards 5 TP.
This is the first quest to require a rare Miscrit. Correspondingly, it also has the best reward so far. Waddles is found on the southern shore of the lake in the first section of the forest (the same area as the Hydroseals). He can only be found on Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, or Sunday. He isn't nearly as rare as most rares, the only real issue is making sure it's the correct day to catch him.
10. Collect 1 Snortus, 1 Flameling, 1 Lumera, and 1 Quirk. Rewards 4TP.
This quest just requires you to catch each of the normal Miscrits in the second area. Pick them up in the same places you found them for the earlier quests.
11. Collect 2 Snatchers. Rewards 50 XP.
Snatchers are found in the third section of the forest, past the second trainer. I find that they are common in and around the Magic Flower. If you have trouble finding one there (there are also a lot of Elefauna), try looking a little further to the west or south.
12. Collect 3 Nessys. Rewards 3 TP.
Nessy can be found directly around the area where the third and final trainer in the forest stands guard. You will find them in the area directly before the trainer (particularly in the rocks and bushes around him and to the southwest) and in the area directly after the trainer. Don't head to far into the final section of the forest though; they're only found in the beginning area. Remember to check the Elder Tree for a Blazebit if you can!
13. Collect 1 Elefauna, 1 Snatcher, and 1 Nessy. Rewards 3 TP.
Elefauna can be found around the Magic Flower in the third section of the forest. The Snatchers can be found around there as well, though I usually have better luck a bit to the south of the flowers. Nessy is found directly around the area where the final forest trainer stood.
14. Collect 1 Twiggum. Rewards 100 XP.
Now we must move into the final section of the forest to complete the quest. Twiggums are found in the area around the Elder Tree, and they are very common.
15. Collect 2 Twiggums and 2 Steamguins. Rewards 4 TP.
Twiggums and Steamguins are both found in the area around the Elder Tree. I usually see Steamguins in the bushes around the Elder Tree when I'm looking for Blazebits. I would suggest checking there (and in the Elder Tree) because you may get lucky and find a Blazebit too.
16. Collect 1 Squibee and 1 Shellbee. Rewards 2 TP.
Now you must collect one of each common Water Miscrit in the final section of the forest. Squibee and Shellbee can both be found around the north and eastern sides of the lake, west of the Elder Tree. I usually find more Squibee in the reeds around the water. Shellbee seem to be more widespread just to the east of the lake.
17. Collect 2 Squibee, 2 Shellbee, 2 Steamguins, and 2 Twiggums. Rewards 1 Dark Flowerpiller.
The quest is basically a combination of the previous two, requiring 2 of each common Miscrit in the last part of the forest. As noted above, Squibee and Shellbee are easily found around the lake, west of the Elder Tree. Steamguin and Twiggum are found in and around the tree. Bring two of each to the Collector for your awesome reward!
18. Collect 1 Statikat. Rewards 150 XP.
The first quest into Mount Gemma is an easy one. Statikats are easily found just inside the entrance and up the hill in the Gemma Flats. I usually see more of them on the western side of the flats.
19. Collect 1 Equestrion and 1 Drilldent. Rewards 2 TP.
Both of these Miscrits can be found just inside the entrance to Mount Gemma. These are actually the only two I've seen before going up the hill into the Gemma Flats. You can also find them scattered among the other Miscrits after you go up the hill.
20. Collect 3 Breezycheeks. Rewards 3 TP.
Breezycheeks are found on the eastern side of the Gemma Flats. stick to the right after you go up the hill and you should see plenty of Breezycheeks in the trees. You can also find it around the base of the mudslide, but the levels get higher the farther up you go.
21. Collect 2 Kilorays and 1 Mumbah. Rewards 500 XP.
Like Breezycheeks, Kilorays and Mumbahs are most easily found on the eastern side of the Gemma Flats. If you're still seeing a lot of Drilldents and Statikats make sure you go further along the path. Be careful with the Mumbahs, at level 22 they get Recompose which can result in some really annoying fights if your Miscrits aren't very strong.
22. Collect 1 Statikat and 1 Mumbah. Rewards 2 TP.
Statikats are found around the entrance to Mount Gemma and on the western side of the Gemma Flats. Mumbah can be found on the eastern side of the flats as you progress further up the road. Make sure you have a strong Miscrit on your team; the Mumbah have Recompose which heals them for 20 Health. They are most vulnerable to Physical attacks or strong Wind attacks.
23. Collect 5 Equestrions. Rewards 5 TP.
Equestrions are the most common Miscrit I see in the entrance area of Mount Gemma. They can also be found up the hill in the Gemma Flats, primarily in the south and western areas.
24. Collect 1 Luna. Rewards 1000 XP.
Luna is the second rare requested by the Miscrit Collector, and the first from Mount Gemma. It is the most difficult Miscrit to capture that the Collector has requested so far. Luna can only be found outside of the Cave of Mists on Mondays and Tuesdays. The easiest method of obtaining a Luna is to search the 5 objects outside of the cave then enter and exit the cave to reset everything. Repeat the process until you find a Luna.
25. Collect 2 Arias. Rewards 2 TP.
To collect Aria you will have to travel into the second section of Mount Gemma, past the first trainer at Eternal Falls. Arias are common throughout the area. Be careful though, the level 30 ones hit pretty hard!
26. Collect 3 Croaky. Rewards 3 TP.
Croaky are also found in the second section of Mount Gemma. Again, they seem to be very common.
27. Collect 1 Jellyshock. Rewards 200 XP.
Like Croaky and Aria, Jellyshock is found in the second section of Mount Gemma. They seem to be less common than the other two, and I tend to have better luck finding them further to the north. I've also seen them around the base of the mountain past the second trainer.
28. Collect 1 Jellyshock, 1 Croaky, 1 Aria, and 1 Snortus. Rewards 4 TP.
Jellyshock, Croaky, and Aria are all found in the second section of Mount Gemma, past the Eternal Falls. They are all common throughout the area. This quest contains an interesting twist; we must return to the Miscrian Forest to capture a Snortus. It can be found shortly after entering the second section of the forest.
29. Collect 1 Sparkslug. Rewards 1 TP.
Sparkslug is the first Miscrit we must catch from the third section of Mount Gemma. It can be captured after defeating the second trainer. I always tend to have better luck finding them in the various crystal formations up and around the mountain.
30. Collect 1 Jellyshock, 1 Kiloray, 1 Statikat, and 1 Sparkslug. Rewards 600 XP.
Statikat is found close to the entrance of Mount Gemma, or on the western side of the Gemma Flats. Kiloray is found on the eastern side of the flats. If you have difficulty finding it continue heading further up the path. Jellyshock is located in the second section of Mount Gemma, past the Eternal Falls. They are fairly common throughout the area. Sparkslug, as mentioned above, can be found in the third section as you progress up the mountain.
31. Collect 1 Craggy. Rewards 1 TP.
Craggy is located in the third section of Mount Gemma, after defeating the second trainer. It is found on and around the mountain. I typically have better luck finding it on the paths in the middle of the mountain. There are many double battles in the area, so be sure to check the second Miscrit in a fight before running away.
32. Collect 1 Drilldent, 1 Mumbah, 1 Croaky, and 1 Craggy. Rewards 4 TP.
Drilldent can be found immediately upon entering Mount Gemma. It is also available up the hill and on the eastern side of the flats. Mumbah is also found on the eastern side of the Gemma Flats, but a little further up the path. Croaky is in the second section of Mount Gemma, past the first trainer. I have found them scattered across the area. Craggy, as mentioned above, is in the third section of Mount Gemma. It is easiest to find on the paths leading up the mountain.
33. Collect 1 Owlie. Rewards 250 XP.
Like Craggy, Owlie is found in the third section of Mount Gemma. It can be found on and around the mountain. They seem to be fairly common in the area.
34. Collect 1 Equestrion, 1 Breezycheeks, 1 Aria, and 1 Owlie. Rewards 4 TP.
Equestion is found at the entrance to Mount Gemma, and on the western side of the Gemma Flats. Breezycheeks is on the eastern and middle portion of the flats. Aria is found in the second section of Mount Gemma, past the Eternal Falls. They are common throughout the area. Owlie is located in the third section of Mount Gemma, on and around the mountain's peak. Again, they seem to be very common.
35. Collect 1 Eggy. Rewards 1000 XP.
Eggy is a rare Miscrit, and only available on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. It can be found around the The Shack, in the final section of Mount Gemma, past the third trainer.
36. Collect 1 Aria and 1 Treemur. Rewards 2 TP.
As mentioned above, Aria is easily found in the second section of Mount Gemma, past the Eternal Falls. Treemur is a rare Miscrit located in the Miscrian Forest. It is only found on Mondays and Thursdays in the dead trees throughout the forest.
37. Collect 1 Elefauna, 1 Shellbee, and 1 Craggy. Rewards 3 TP.
Elefauna is found in the third section of the Miscrian Forest, in and around the Magic Flower. Shellbee is in the fourth section of the forest, to the west of the Elder Tree. Craggy is located in the third section of Mount Gemma, on the paths leading up to the mountain's peak.
38. Collect 5 Steamguins. Rewards 800 XP.
Steamguins are found in the fourth section of the forest. They are most commonly seen in and around the Elder Tree.
39. Collect 1 Sparkspeck, 1 Staikat, and 1 Kiloray. Rewards 600 XP.
40. Collect 2 Sparkittens and 1 Jack. Rewards 3 TP.
41. Collect 3 Arigatos. Rewards 100 Gems.
42. Collect 1 Sparkspeck, 1 Sparkitten, 1 Sparkupine, and 1 Sparkslug. Rewards 4 TP.
43. Collect 2 Hippokes and 2 Craggys. Rewards 800 XP.
44. Collect 1 Hippoke, 1 Quebble, and 1 Digsy. Rewards 3 TP.
45. Collect 1 Quebble. Rewards 200 XP.
46. Collect 1 Grubbean, 1 Twiggum, and 1 Elefauna. Rewards 3 TP.
47. Collect 1 Digsy, 1 Quirk, and 1 Shellbee. Rewards 3 TP.
48. Collect 2 Waveslings, 2 Orcatides, 2 Squibees, and 2 Nessys. Rewards 1 Snorkels.
49. Collect 1 Grubbean and 1 Snatcher. Rewards 2 TP.
50. Collect 1 Hippoke, 1 Echino, and 1 Wavesling. Rewards 5 Negate Elements.
51. Collect 1 Hippoke, 1 Orcatide, an 1 Elefauna. Rewards 3 TP.
52. Collect 1 Sparkitten, 1 Statikat, and 1 Cubsprout. Rewards 3 TP.
53. Collect 2 Digsy and 2 Lumera. Rewards 800 XP.
54. Collect 5 Jacks. Rewards 5 TP.
55. Collect 2 Leggys and 2 Owlies. Rewards 800 XP.
56. Collect 1 Breezycheeks, 1 Leggy, 1 Sparkspeck, and 1 Arigato. Rewards 4 TP.
57, Collect 1 Steamguin, 1 Craggy, and 1 Orcatide. Rewards 3 TP.
58. Collect 1 Blazertooth. Rewards 2 Blazertooths.
Unfortunately, Blazertooth is the Gift Shop exclusive Miscrit. It must be purchased for 400 gems or 125 Facebook credits. There is currently no other method in the game to acquire Blazertooth. If you need more gems, check the Need Friends? section of the Miscrits forum:
59. Collect 1 Blazebit. Rewards 2 Blazebits.
The final quest given by the Miscrit Collector is to bring her the most powerful Miscrit currently available in the game. Blazebit is found in the Elder Tree and the two surrounding bushes. It is a rare Miscrit, and it may take several trips to find. Occasionally, Blazebit is also available in the Gem Shop.
60. Collect 1 Ignios. Rewards 2 Ignios.
The guide is now complete for the currently available quests. I will add more details for the Sunfall Shores quests in the future. Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps some people out. If you have any comments, questions, feedback, or suggestions please post.
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